A new baby orangutan at the Orangutan Care Center and Quarantine (OCCQ) is sometimes the last link in a great chain. Lori Belle was reportedly found by some villagers in their “garden” and she was presented to the Taman Nasional (National Park office of the Indonesian Forestry), who passed her along to the KSDA (Nature… Continue reading Orangutan of the month April 2020
LORI BELLE: Quiet and Reflective
Category: Care Center
Orangutan of the month April 2020
Orangutan of the Month for February 2020:
MARSHA, Magic in the Canopy
It is amazing to think that just over 50 years ago we knew so much less about these orange apes, orangutans, the only great apes native to Asia, than we do now. Over the last decades Dr. Biruté Mary Galdikas and others have contributed much to our knowledge of these enigmatic pongids. Through observation and… Continue reading Orangutan of the Month for February 2020:
MARSHA, Magic in the Canopy
Orangutan of the Month for January 2020:
LEVY, Mr. Can-Do
Male orangutan infants are lightning bolts packed with energy and if there is one orangutan who can be guaranteed to be in the thick of it, that is Levy. Some infants immediately stand out. Levy is not initially as obvious or as eye catching as some of the other infants at Camp Danielle but over… Continue reading Orangutan of the Month for January 2020:
LEVY, Mr. Can-Do
Orangutan of the Month for December 2019.
SUMMER: Stubborn but Sweet
Orangutan hair may be a flaming dusky red but it provides excellent camouflage when orangutans are in tangled shrubbery and in the forest canopy where the sun doesn’t shine. Like ninjas orangutans blend in seamlessly into the forest especially as they often hold themselves absolutely still. Wild born ex-captive “Summer” is perfecting her stealthy ways.… Continue reading Orangutan of the Month for December 2019.
SUMMER: Stubborn but Sweet
In Our Hands: A Wild Orangutan Male Rescued with Severe Injuries
Cruelty that humans sometimes exhibit to wildlife including our closest living relatives in the animal kingdom, the great apes, is always devastating to see. Here in Borneo we occasionally confront situations where we encounter badly beaten orangutans. As human-orangutan conflict increases because of forest conversion for human use such as agriculture, these instances of cruelty… Continue reading In Our Hands: A Wild Orangutan Male Rescued with Severe Injuries
Forest School in 360°
OFI recently partnered with The Dodo to help them kick off their venture into 360° videos. Showcasing a day in the life at the Care Center, Forest School in 360° offers an immersive viewing experience never before captured at OFI’s Care Center in Central Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo). To view: On your smartphone: pan and rotate… Continue reading Forest School in 360°
Orangutan Care Series: The Juveniles
Without a doubt, the most lively and boisterous age group of orphaned orangutans at the Orangutan Foundation International (OFI) Orangutan Care Center and Quarantine (OCCQ) are the juveniles. Between five and nine years of age, these juvenile orangutans are full of energy and curiosity. From their initial arrival at the OCCQ, orphaned orangutans are lovingly… Continue reading Orangutan Care Series: The Juveniles
Meet the Faces of the OCCQ
Orphaned orangutans are given a second chance at a life in the wild at Orangutan Foundation International’s Orangutan Care Centre and Quarantine (OCCQ) in Indonesia. After being tragically separated from their mothers who are killed in the process of deforestation, these vulnerable orphaned orangutans are loved and cared for by OFI’s dedicated caregivers. These men… Continue reading Meet the Faces of the OCCQ
What Does it Take to Feed 330 Orangutans?
It is early in the morning at OFI’s OCCQ. The staff is huddled around the kitchen fire, sipping coffee and discussing the plan for the day’s “soft releases” when orangutans are released into the forest for the day before being brought back to their sleeping cages in the late afternoon. The jarring sound of an… Continue reading What Does it Take to Feed 330 Orangutans?
Orangutan Care Series: The Infants
Since its establishment in 1971, Orangutan Foundation International (then termed Orangutan Research and Conservation Program) has cared for vulnerable orphaned orangutans who have been brutally separated from their mothers, along with older injured and displaced orangutans. Without a doubt, the most helpless orangutans at the Orangutan Care Centre and Quarantine (OCCQ) are the newly arrived… Continue reading Orangutan Care Series: The Infants