Recently Dr. Galdikas and a small group of Canadians, including former students and a pioneering orangutan researcher now living in Canada, established Orangutan Foundation Canada (OFC) in Vancouver, B.C. during 2011. Tax-deductible charity status was granted by the Canadian government in 2012.
Most recently, Orangutan Foundation International Australia (OFIA) was established in Australia by Kobe Steele, Stephen Van Mil, and other passionate, like-minded people who collectively have over 100 years of experience working with wildlife. OFIA has focused on protecting orangutan habitat, tropical rain forest, by helping OFI buy it.
This small French organization supports and promotes OFI’s orangutan and forest conservation work in Borneo to a french public. (Website is in French Language.)
Orangutan Foundation International coordinates its programs with the support of the following Indonesian Government Agencies:
The Indonesian Ministry of Forestry
The Directorate General of Nature Resources and Ecosystem Conservation (Ditjen KSDAE)
822 ½ Wellesley Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90049
Direct: (310) 820-4906
(800) ORANGUTAN Toll-Free (Inside the United States)