The hanging vines and sturdy trees in Orangutan Foundation International’s (OFI) Learning Forest in Central Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo) have borne witness to many young orangutans over the years. The vines have weathered rough swinging, times of peace and times of organized chaos as caregivers and orangutans bustle back and forth through the forest. The vines… Continue reading Orangutan of the Month November 2019.
BANDA: Charisma Strong
Month: December 2019
Orangutan of the Month November 2019.
Help Us Fight Increasing Wildfires
Photo of Indonesian wildfire Photo credit: Ulet Ifansasti NY Times Dear Friends of OFI, From June until October 2019 OFI staff were once again called upon to fight fierce fires that threatened orangutan habitat, national forests, OFI facilities and release sites. Wildfires such as these ravage primary forest, orangutan habitat, and reduce it to smoke… Continue reading Help Us Fight Increasing Wildfires
In Our Hands: A Wild Orangutan Male Rescued with Severe Injuries
Cruelty that humans sometimes exhibit to wildlife including our closest living relatives in the animal kingdom, the great apes, is always devastating to see. Here in Borneo we occasionally confront situations where we encounter badly beaten orangutans. As human-orangutan conflict increases because of forest conversion for human use such as agriculture, these instances of cruelty… Continue reading In Our Hands: A Wild Orangutan Male Rescued with Severe Injuries