The durian is a popular tree in Pasir Panjang , Central Kalimantan (Central Indonesian Borneo). The local people all seem to love its fruit. Throughout the durian fruiting season, the owner of a durian tree will sit and wait, all day and night, for his/her ripe fruits to drop. If the tree is not guarded,… Continue reading Dayak Kitchen: Fruit, Guarding Durian Trees, and Interesting Recipes
Month: July 2011
An Enrichment Update
At OFI’s Orangutan Care Center and Quarantine (OCCQ), enrichment is a crucial part of caring for the physical and mental health of the orangutans. Over the past few years, the number and complexity of the items offered to the orangutans has increased substantially due to the dedicated work of the Enrichment Coordinator and a number… Continue reading An Enrichment Update