One of the most critical elements in developing lasting conservation is community involvement. We can’t strive to save orangutans and the forests of Borneo without the participation and committment of local people. Most of the OFI staff are residents of the village of Pasir Panjang, where the Orangutan Care Centre and Quarantine (OCCQ) is situated.… Continue reading Employee Spotlight: One Family’s Shared Passion for Orangutans
Tag: Dayak
Dayak Kitchen: Fruit, Guarding Durian Trees, and Interesting Recipes
The durian is a popular tree in Pasir Panjang , Central Kalimantan (Central Indonesian Borneo). The local people all seem to love its fruit. Throughout the durian fruiting season, the owner of a durian tree will sit and wait, all day and night, for his/her ripe fruits to drop. If the tree is not guarded,… Continue reading Dayak Kitchen: Fruit, Guarding Durian Trees, and Interesting Recipes
A Dayak Kitchen: Local Farming, Chickens, Pineapples, and Corn
The Dayak village of Pasir Panjang in Central Borneo is a hubbub of activity. If villagers aren’t working formal jobs, they will often be tending to chickens, growing vegetables in their back garden, or looking for wild fruits in the surrounding forest. Mr Henson, who works at the OFI Care Center and Quarantine in Pasir… Continue reading A Dayak Kitchen: Local Farming, Chickens, Pineapples, and Corn