What is in a name? Names can be very powerful, reflecting one’s character and identity. Names are associated with family but there is so much more to families than we normally acknowledge. Orangutan families know each other not by names but by other senses such as touch, sound, and smell, all often far beyond our… Continue reading Orangutan of the Month for June, 2019: Jambul2
Author: Philip Stubley
Bear of the Month for May 2019: Chaos with Komet
Komet the bear is an extremely playful soul. His one purpose in life seems to be having a good time, an admirable quality especially for a Malayan sun bear. If he isn’t wrestling with fellow bear Ori, he is busy climbing a tree. If he isn’t climbing a tree, he is inspecting some logs or… Continue reading Bear of the Month for May 2019: Chaos with Komet
Orangutan of the Month for April, 2019: Tunas
There are many sides to an orangutan’s personality with some characteristics and personality types more prominent then others. There are shy orangutans, adventurous orangutans, and placid orangutans. With some orangutans it’s hard to pinpoint one “type” at all as these orangutans may have many defining traits. Tunas is one of these. She seems to demonstrate… Continue reading Orangutan of the Month for April, 2019: Tunas
Employee Spotlight: Ibu Ijun
Everyone has a story to tell, and at Orangutan Foundation International (OFI), the colorful tales are endless. Each caregiver at OFI’s Orangutan Care Center and Quarantine (OCCQ) in Central Borneo, has plenty of tell but for Ibu Ijun it’s just a story. “This is my life,” says ths woman with a twinkle in her eye.… Continue reading Employee Spotlight: Ibu Ijun
Bear of the Month for March, 2019: Bonnie
“Bonnie Prince Charlie”, known as Bonnie for short, is a sensitive bear. If any bear needs a boost in self-confidence as a bear, it’s Bonnie. Having spent the first part of his life confined to a small cage, he became very shy. During his early days at the Orangutan Care Centre & Quarantine (OCCQ) in… Continue reading Bear of the Month for March, 2019: Bonnie
Employee Spotlight: Ibu Yeti
When walking along the boardwalk en route to Camp Danielle, a facility at OFI’s Orangutan Care Center and Quarantine (OCCQ) in Borneo, you may hear what sounds like exasperated shouting followed by laughter. These are the sounds of the daily release of young orangutans in the Infant Playground and the Learning Forest. Chief among the… Continue reading Employee Spotlight: Ibu Yeti
Bear of the Month for Feb, 2019: Raja
Raja is one of those bears who always appears to be grumpy. This is due to his fleshy forehead, common among sun bears, that produces several layers of deep-seated wrinkles. However, beneath this seemingly frowning face are two innocent dark brown eyes that show no sign of malice whatsoever. Admittedly, at first Raja’s appearance can… Continue reading Bear of the Month for Feb, 2019: Raja
News From The Field: Creatures of the Night
Dusk approaches along the banks of the Sekonyer River in Tanjung Puting National Park, the gateway to Camp Leakey. Orangutans have already made their nests and hunkered down for the night. In the national park, especially during the high season in July and August, holidaymakers slumber on the kelotoks (houseboats used for tourism) parked on… Continue reading News From The Field: Creatures of the Night
Employee Spotlight: Pak Sia
Pak Sia: Devoted to the Orangutans “When I was six or seven, I didn’t really understand orangutans.” Pak Sia remembers. It was around that time he witnessed a teacher at his school receive an infant orangutan, which was then given over to Dr. Galdikas and OFI. After witnessing this Pak Sia began his journey to… Continue reading Employee Spotlight: Pak Sia
Orangutan of the Month for Dec, 2018: Wendy
Four in the morning and dawn is barely breaking over the Bornean rainforest. All is quiet as the forest and the animals within begin to stir. The rising sun brings with it the caregivers from the Orangutan Care Center and Quarantine (OCCQ). It is an exceedingly early start for them. The working day normally begins… Continue reading Orangutan of the Month for Dec, 2018: Wendy