Infant orangutan Valentino arrived at OFI’s Orangutan Care Center and Quarantine (OCCQ) on the day that gave him his name: February 14th, Valentine’s Day. Like most of the orangutans arriving at the Care Center, his backstory is a blur. But we do know that a man found the timid and helpless orphaned Valentino in a… Continue reading Orangutan of The Month for Dec 2016: Charming Valentino
Tag: Quarantine
A day at OFI’s Playpen Facility at the Orangutan Care Center
The orangutans at OFI’s Playpen Facility are about to finish their banana breakfast when I arrive around 8:30 in the morning. Today, I’m spending my day at this facility within OFI’s Orangutan Care Center and Quarantine to meet the orangutans and their caregivers, and to experience what it’s like to work here. For the caregivers,… Continue reading A day at OFI’s Playpen Facility at the Orangutan Care Center