OCCQ rehabilitationDue to a stroke she suffered before she came to the Orangutan Care Center and Quarantine, and possibly as a result of her initial capture when her mother was killed, Hockey is completely paralyzed on the right side of her body and is still plagued by regular seizures. But her disability doesn’t stop her from enjoying her releases! Hockey loves to visit the baby playground and take in the sights, sounds, and tastes of the surrounding OFI forest. However, Hockey is growing bigger everyday and carrying her out for her releases has been increasingly difficult. She has simply outgrown the wheelbarrow that once easily transported her to and from the playground.
We are excited to share the news that a current long term volunteer has designed and donated a brand new spacious cart just for Hockey! Hockey’s new cart, or “gerobak” as they call it in Indonesian, is specifically designed to accommodate her limitations. Cushions line the inside of the cart to provide extra support and comfort during her ride. The walls of the cart are high enough to keep her safely inside, but low enough that she can hold on for stability. Furthermore, with two tires this new cart is much easier to navigate over roots and branches than the wheelbarrow.
Hockey loves going on rides in her new cart. Since it is unlikely that Hockey can be permanently returned to the wild on her own, it is one of our new priorities to make Hockey’s life at the OCCQ as comfortable as possible. Thank you, Volunteer Allison Leach for Hockey’s new cart! It is gestures like yours that indicate how thoughtful actions can generate big dividends in ex-captive orangutan lives.