As you read the title of this article, the thought might have occurred to you that an orangutan climbing a tree is not really news worthy. We would normally agree; indeed, if we were to write a news item for every time that an orangutan climbs a tree at the Care Center, there would be… Continue reading Hangki climbs once again!
Month: December 2010
Employee of the Month: Dr Prima
Doctor Prima doesn’t have a favorite orangutan at the Care Center because it would, in his own words, “not be fair, as maybe I would give one orangutan better treatment than the others.” As Dr Prima explains this, he uses two pencil cases to make his point as one looks more worn than the other.… Continue reading Employee of the Month: Dr Prima
Orangutan of the Month: Krista
Every morning at OFI’s Orangutan Care Center and Quarantine, a parade of orangutans moves from their night enclosures out into the 80 hectare forest owned by OFI. Here, the orangutans spend their days outside, ranging freely in the swamp forest. Every day the forest is buzzing with activity as the orangutans climb up into the… Continue reading Orangutan of the Month: Krista