Tags: Forest Protection

Wild Orangutan Translocations

March, 23 2020

The daily commute back and forth to work is something we can all conjure up in our mind’s eye. Imagine one day if you were on your normal route but found, to your dismay, that it had been destroyed, replaced by something else, and you were forbidden to enter on pain of death. This is…

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OFI forest purchasing, orangutan nests and pitcher plants.

January, 29 2011

“Ada orangutan di hutan Pak Kukuh?” Are there orangutans in your forest? I ask. “Ada. Anda mau lihat sarang orangutan?” There are. Would you like to see orangutan nests? Pak Kukuh answers. I nod vigorously. “Tentu saja!” We climb back onto the motorbikes and drive along muddy dirt roads towards a swampy area of lowland…

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OFI’s Forest Protection Initiative: Direct Purchase of Forests

November, 18 2010

Habitat conservation is a vital aspect of any wildlife conservation program. This is for the simple reason that without habitat, there would be no wildlife. Without a safe and protected environment, rehabilitated animal releases would simply not be possible. Unfortunately, this aspect of conservation is extremely difficult in a country where wildlife habitat disappears by…

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