Tags: Lamandau

Orangutans Return to the Wild: Release at Lamandau Nature Reserve

June, 4 2004

Arriving at the Orangutan Care Center and Quarantine (OCCQ) facility one morning from Pangkalan Bun by the customary Indonesian transport of an ojek or hired motor scooter, I was surprised to find the clinic very quiet. As I ventured around the building I discovered the veterinarians and assistants all busy on the back lawn with…

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Lamandau Nature Reserve: An Orangutan Release Site

March, 4 2004

Lamandau Nature Reserve, an expired logging concession comprised mainly of peat swamp forest, is prime orangutan habitat in Borneo. It was designated as an official orangutan release site in 1997. The Orangutan Foundation International (OFI) has two camps located in the reserve, Camp Siswoyo and Camp JL., both on its eastern edge close to Pangkalan…

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Orangutan of the Month: Robbie

July, 1 2000

Maybe we’re not supposed to have favorites but, just like with people, connections happen before you know it. That’s the way it was with Robbie. For reasons I’ll never know, this wonderful orangutan decided I was OK in his book. Almost every day he would stop by to visit, always with a gentle touch, before…

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