A procession of orangutans from Pondok Dua head off to the Learning Forest with the caregivers. Dodot peers over the shoulder of the caregiver holding her, and her lovely brown eyes are somewhat curious. When the group reaches the edge of the trees, Dodot’s attention is drawn to the forest. For a time, it’s as… Continue reading Orangutan of the Month for June 2017: Dodot
Month: January 2017
Back to the Trees, an OFI Release
In this video, Orangutan Foundation International (OFI) embarks on the release of four rehabilitated wild born ex-captive orangutans into protected forest. Moments like these represent the core mission of OFI, giving orangutans a second chance to grow up and be free. An orangutan release is a special event as it signifies hope in the plight… Continue reading Back to the Trees, an OFI Release