OFI is a 501 (c)3 organization (EIN 95-4112467) that relies entirely on donations from our generous supporters, like you, who are passionate about conservation, the fate of the planet and the welfare of animals. Your support helps us make a difference in the survival of individual orangutans at our Care Center, endangered wild orangutan populations, and the preservation of their forest habitat.

Should you prefer to make your donation by check or money order, please mail your donation to:

Orangutan Foundation International
822 ½ Wellesley Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90049

Another way to make contributions.

Including OFI in your estate plans enables us to continue to help thousands of orangutans and other wildlife and leaves a lasting legacy for generations to come (click here)

Make your conservation dollars go further by having your employer match your donation (click here)

If you have any questions or issues regarding your donation, please reach out to us on our contact page. We would be delighted to assist you in any way we can.



Donor Info

We send acknowledge letter & tax-receipt via email. Tax Receipts are not yet automated at the time of donation and will send in a few days after.

Credit Card Information

One time donation

We are only accepted donation in US Dollar in this form. The minimum accepted donation is $20.00 USD

Monthly donation

We are only accepted donation in US Dollar in this form. The minimum accepted donation is $20.00 USD